Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Kindness and gifts

This week I've had a few surprise gifts, not least of all a bag of lovely knitted cardigans and waistcoats from a friend of mummy's at the baby group. She gave them to us while we were listening to the baby weaning talk at the surestart centre. It sounds like I'm not going to be getting any food until I'm at least 6 months old as advised by the World Health Organisation, which is fine by me because I prefer mummy's milk to mushed up carrot any day of the week!
Modelling my new waistcoat (in the 60s via clever editing!)
After the weaning talk, we went to the White Swan centre to sing our nursery songs. Good times were had, and this week I even made some sounds along with the singing (in tune of course).
When we got back, we found another present in the post - a lovely special card from Chloe with our names on the front and everything! She said she read our blog so BIG SHOUT TO CHLOE!! WE LOVE YOU!! XXX
Why walk when you have a car? Stupid mum.
Wednesday was baby massage, but as it was tummys and I needed a feed, I sat it out until the legs part. It's such a hard life being a baby! Then as part of my health spa day, mummy took me on a walk up to Sainsburys. As you can see by the photo, I wasn't exactly in favour but I did eventually succumb to sleep on the way up there after some distress calls half way.

Daddy took some great footage of me and mummy having a sing song in the evening but for some reason it's not uploading right now so we'll have to try another day.
Carys and Steve came to tea on Wednesday and they played boring Conservative grown up scrabble while I watched and learned. I had a few great eight letter words but no one could understand what I was saying sadly.

1 comment:

  1. Love the waistcoat! You look so grown up.Love you from Grandma
