Saturday, 22 September 2012

Druridge bay

Today after an abortive trip to seaton delaval hall, we changed plan and went to Druridge Bay. We got there on the coastal route and stopped at Newbiggin by the Sea for some fish and chips. Then we stopped again further up for a coffee where I was laughing so much at daddy that the shop lady said my laugh was infectious. I went on the beach with daddy and watched some horses gallop up and down the beach. We found some nice shells so I had a chew on those. At Druridge bay we explored the sand dunes and looked out to sea and I made lots of happy noises. On the way home, daddy played hide and seek with my monkey puppet and I continued to giggle.
I was ready for a crawl by the time I got home and set my targets high - I managed to climb right to the top of the stairs for the first time chasing some keys!
Unsurprisingly I went to bed with very little resistance today!
Night night everyone!