Saturday, 28 April 2012

4 Months Old Today!

Well this week has flown by and now today I have hit the big 4, 4 months that is!

I have managed to hit a milestone straight away this month by turning myself from my back to my front - and I managed it in my sleep! I woke up this morning and there I was somehow on my tummy. I tried flapping my arms around to get myself back the right way but to no great effect so I got a bit stressed out and shouted for help so that mummy could turn me back!

Mummy has now started to do a weird little dance every time she leaves me anywhere as I think she can tell I'm practicing my acrobatics regularly now and might start rolling across the room any minute. One of her solutions today was to put me in a strange sort of square chair. I've got to me honest though, I liked it even less than my Bumbo.

We did some shopping today (boring! I made daddy carry me out of the pram it was so bad, although they did  buy me my stylish cowboy style bib). We went to a baby shower (too many girls there so I played with a plastic spoon). The best part of the day was when I went on a long walk with mummy and daddy in the country in my sling and we saw lots of wild primroses and bluebells. Then it was time for bath and bed. I went into the big bath tonight with daddy and it was great fun to have a buddy in there.

Ok see you later fans! xxx