Saturday, 21 July 2012


I am a sad baby today. I have a cough, cold, snuffly nose, ear infection, diarrhoea and the make matters worse my top two teeth have started to come through painfully. I have not really slept for two nights and I am struggling to breath when I feed so as you can imagine it hasn't been a lot of laughs these last few days. I am also regularly force fed antibiotics, Calpol and cold things for my teething which is not improving my mood. I even pooed on my favourite pound puppy. She has been washed, but sorry about that pound puppy dog!

Before this sad affair began I had been having a good couple of weeks. Last weekend we went for a walk with Carys, Steve, Besty, Sarah and bump and (my favourite) Bella the dog. It was even quite sunny despite the rain all week in July. Here is Bella enjoying a little stream:
 I also got a photo with my new little girlfriend - no not Sarah, the bump! Funny to think that in May next year she will be as big as me (and hopefully out of that confined space by then!)
Here's a pic of the whole gang together:
Despite the weather we have tried to do lots outside and as you can see although I needed to wear my coat we've still been going on our regular walks. Mummy took loads of me here as she was tryong to get the perfect toothy peg shot!

Despite my efforts to show her, mum still wanted an even closer look so for the top ones that have just started to poke through this week she resorted to the stealth method:
As you may be able to see they are uncomfortable and inflamed looking. This morning I looked long and hard at a piece of toast before crying in frustration that I couldn't chew it. I even tried to carefully place it at the back of my mouth to avoid the danger zone but no luck!
All this teething has resulted in some late nights. I can still look adorable and cheeky though even at 8.30pm:
I was so sad last night that mum and dad gave me a cuddle while they watched 24 and I slept on the sofa in their arms like in the old days! Heaven!
On Thursday, to take my mind off teething, mum and dad let me stay up and watch my first barbeque in the back garden. They had burger and pork ribs so I couldn't eat anything - except grass!
Hopefully this weekend things will improve for me and my poor teeth!

love Vittorio xxx