Monday's child is fair of face
On Monday I felt very active and didn't give mummy a minute's peace. I just felt like I needed to be held all the time. When daddy got home I did a huge poo for him. I squirted everywhere and they had to bath me TWICE to get rid of it all!! Daddy looked after me in the evening and talked to me to give mum's arms a rest. I eventually fell asleep at about 11pm!
I think you'll agree though that I'm still fair of face!
Tuesday's child is full of grace
Mummy decided that it was the house that made me so fractious so Tuesday was full of activities. In the morning we took a walk around Killingworth lake to feed the swans. We also popped into the sports centre to find out about my future swimming career.
While tea was in the oven, we popped to weight watchers. All the old ladies crossed my palm with silver (it's a Newcastle tradition) and everyone had a hold including Joanne mum's leader so that mummy didn't weigh extra with me in her arms!
Wednesday's child is full of Woe (Woe is ME!)
Wednesday started with woe when I had to get my first Polio/Tetanus/Diptheria vaccination. Mummy held me down while the nurse stabbed me on both sides of my leg. It wasn't very nice at all but I was a brave boy. The downside was that it made me super sleepy so I basically slept through the rest of the events. I did briefly wake up for baby massage (my first session) which I did enjoy a lot.
That afternoon we went to meet Carolyn, mummy's friend, for a coffee at a pub in Cramlington called the Bay Horse. It will be great for when I'm older as it has a massive soft play area. I continued my sleep. I was very sad in the evening but went to sleep after some stroking.
The Postman also brought a nice surprise today - another letter from my cousin Luke. Me and mummy wrote back to him the next day so I hope the letter gets there quickly.
Thursday's child has far to go...
We did a little bit of shopping today but the furthest I really went was up and down the stairs helping mummy to clean the house! We found a new game waving a ribbon in front of my eyes (or a belt while the washing is getting folded) and it made me laugh a lot. Mummy practiced the baby massage on me and it felt great! I was so relaxed while she stroked my legs with my nappy off that I did a poo!