Friday, 13 January 2012

Passports, Play and Post Prandials

I've had a quiet few days as mummy has been poorly with a cold. We did take a quick trip into town on Wednesday to make me a British citizen though. This also let mummy apply for my first  passport. Mummy had to prop me up while daddy took the photo - unfortunately I appear to have lost my neck in the process. Still, I am pretty handsome all the same....

On Thursday I made a personal break through when I discovered the hands at the end of my arms. This came in really handy when I wanted to play with my toys!

On Friday I had a new visitor - Karen - Mummy's friend from Seaton. She was super snuggly and I was very content in her arms even though I was wide awake! She bought me a very cool monkey outfit for when I'm a bit bigger. Thanks Karen!
 Mummy and daddy also took me out for lunch to Frankie and Benny's. All the background noise made it conducive to a nice long nap. I had a liquid lunch while daddy had a burger.

1 comment:

  1. You are certainly getting more interactive Vittorio-I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon.
    love Grandad xxx
