Happy Halloween!! |
Now other than lots of parties last week, the weekend marked the start of the Halloween celebrations. Mummy and Daddy celebrated by pumpkin carving with Auntie Colette and Uncle Simon. Grandma and Grandad took me for a walk to the park in the mean time. I was quite impressed by their efforts on my return, although no one would let me touch them which was a shame! Later in the week I went to Jittabugs and we had a Halloween themed dance around and play with some toys. We all dressed up which I found a little confusing if I'm honest but the grown ups seemed to find it cute.
Lots of my spider senses were tingling |

Later that day, Grandma and Grandad came up to see us in Newcastle while Daddy was away in Scotland for the night. This was a complete surprise and it took me a minute or two to adjust to the idea that they could be in our house, but it didn't take me long to see this would be good fun!
I have been amazing Grandma and Grandad with my duck impressions 'quack quack quack' in the bath and my cheeky smile. It hasn't all been smiles though this week as mummy was sick, then my top two teeth have been coming through and I have a really bad cold. These three combined make for a pretty miserable baby Vittorio!
We made the best of it though, going for a walk in the Rising Sun Country Park where Grandma and Grandad bumped into an old friend....
We saw lots of beautiful things, including a stag in the field, horsies, ducks, dogs and....rats! Not so nice but that's nature I guess!
Back at home I made friends again with my old friend Sophie. I have tried gnawing on: teething ring, Sophie's ears, carrot, cucumber, hard plastic zips, metal rings, my own teeth, my finger, and bread. I've tried teething powder, calpol and gel. Nothing works but two little white marks are visible so hopefully I will be cheerful self again soon!