I have been a jet setting baby this month, spending one week of October with my grandma and grandad and the second with my nonno and nonna.
On the way down to Ossett, I stayed a night at my grandparents house, without the grandparents being there which made the house a little scary but I soon settled in and made myself at home (i.e. displaced all items at my level). The next day was a Friday school inset day so I spent it with my cousin Ellie and we ate chocolate brownies in a cafe. Ellie was good to me and even when mummy cleaned me up she gave me more brownie to make a mess with. There was a little panic when we thought we'd lost my precious monkey puppet but mummy found it on a charity shop table outside. Phew! Close call monkey!! I laughed a lot when Ellie said her name, it was soooo funny! We also picked up Luke from school and Luke played with me too on the piano.
Monkey+activity tale = baby heaven |
The next day was up, up and away. Our first week in France, I went with mummy while daddy had to stay at home and work. We arrived to the usual fan fare from grandma and grandad, then made the journey home to La Sigonniere via a cafe or two. Grandma had prepared a set of toys both new and old, but she did treat me to a couple more while I was there! Here I am sporting my super cool wooden table which I played with for ages. That, a plastic bottle and a balloon kept me busy the whole week!
Enough coats and blankets mum? |
The first day was thankfully very warm and sunny. We sat in the garden and played on the grass together. Later I was also allowed a play on the gravel on the back porch. I absolutely loved it but I was black by the end after I had pushed half the drive around! The rest of the week in rained almost constantly so not many outdoor photos. I got taken on lots of walks despite the rain. Grandad took me out on a particularly wet one.
Wow, you are so interesting and clever |
You really do have so many talents grandad |
He also introduced me to the joy of beer. I pulled a face but I also went back for more which Grandad was very impressed about! He had to closely guard his bottle all week otherwise I would help myself to his beer and crisps.
What a pretty pair of smilers |
Grandma took me on lots of walks round and round the garden. Here's a great example.
I have become very loquacious and Grandma and Grandad were especially impressed with my mamma's and dadda's! They were less impressed with my new favourite place to poo - the bath - great relaxation for me, not so relaxing for the poor spectators.
We took lots of trips to the supermarket due to the rain and I played with various balloons and caused chaos with sugar packets in as many restaurants as possible!
It was then time to say our goodbyes and move on to Italy!
This place is brilliant! Agh! |
Saturday was a hectic day. We arrived and then spent the afternoon with all the family and I got to see Alba for the first time. I thoroughly inspected it, despite my initial hesitation and was still as captivated as ever by little cousin Sara.
So many buttons, where to begin... |
Uccellino blue, again and again, bets button by far |
That night we went for pizza with all mummy and daddy's friends. I was so tired that I fell asleep before the pizza arrived. I just had time to open my present (see photos!) before I was flat out. Christina held me a little while mummy ate pizza and by the dessert I was flat out on a scarf on the table.
Cutting a dash in Italia |
Please tell me that's not dinner |
The next day after some serious sleep catch up, we went for a stroll
around the famous Fiera dell Tartufo. It was massive and beautiful with
lots to see, but my favourite part was the water feature in the square
and the merry go round. Daddy took me on it with Sara. I was a little
tired so unsure but I think the pictures summarize my experience. Daddy
said I clung to him like a cat! It slowly dawned on me that he had
essentially sat me on a moving plastic horse girating in thin air,
several feet from the ground with flashing lights to add to the chaos.
As this realisation hit my it's no wonder I clung like a cat!
Hmm this is fun! |
....but surely it's not safe, I'll cling on! |
Sara seems to think it's safe |
Much better. No point taking chances eh? |
Sleeping like babies |
The rest of the week we spent eating Nonna's excellent food, enjoying the good weather and having naps. Well, some of us enjoyed the food, while some of us (me) like to have Nonna Assunta make a big portion of pasta and then refuse to even taste it. This caused much consternation for Nonna, especially as I wasn't pooing either, but now and then I ate something just to reassure her. And don't worry, in the end I pooed my little heart out. We also took a trip to daddy'sold paediatrician who checked me out and told me I had a cold in my throat and one ear. Other than that I got a good bill of health, even for my tongue tie (minimal).
Sara donated books |
Camera case...yummy! |
I spent lots of quality time with Nonno anmd Nonna....
Another cuddle you say? Go on then! |
You read, I'll try and pull the book of you. |
After two wonderful weeks we eventually came home. I recognized my house but it felt funny to be in such a quiet place after all those people. At the weekend we went to Wallington hall for a look around the food and craft fair. We also walked around the grounds and I had lots of old ladies trying to touch my face (yuk!) but we saw some alpacas, cows and sheep so it wasn't all bad!
Daddy will you ever leave my ears alone? |
The Next autumn/winter collection |
Cumulus something or other |